I proved the theory that many people are inclined to homosexuality and that everyone NATURAL really wants to subconsciously deal with gay sex.
I took a drive Glaykoro scale and take it apart on the basic human instinct proved. Total:
x = x0 (x0 + y0) m2 + (w02 - z02) mn - y0 (w0 - z0) n2
y = y0 (x0 + y0) m2 - (w02 - z02) mn - x0 (w0 - z0) n2
z = z0 (x0 + y0) m2 - (y02 - x02) mn + w0 (w0 - z0) n2
w = w0 (x0 + y0) m2 - (y02 - x02) mn + z0 (w0 - z0) n2
from what I have deduced that sexual orientation in all cases be bisexual.
from what I have implemented a perfect formula for sexual orientation:
> With (numtheory): a: = 13; b: = 36; r: = 1; x: = bb / a * ((r * (b mod a) ^ (phi (a) -1)) mod a) + r / a; y: = a-(r * (b mod a) ^ (phi (a) -1)) mod a;
From which I could deduce only that 1 person out of 30 consciously aware and not afraid of what it entails for individuals of the same sex:
>> R: =- 1; x: = bb / a * ((r * (b mod a) ^ (phi (a) -1)) mod a) + r / a; y: = a-(r * (b mod a) ^ (phi (a) -1)) mod a; And 11 out of 30 people can not have sex with a woman because they are homosexuals, who consider themselves straight.
Oh, I'm #9, do not want #12-30, XD
ОтветитьУдалитьThis is sad (
ОтветитьУдалитьAll people are bisexual since birth. So in your theory makes sense.
ОтветитьУдалитьI haven't understood anything. Use mathcad or at least MS Word redactor of formulas.
ОтветитьУдалитьWell, originally every fetus is female, later taking on the male form, so I guess it's not always done completely. Or maybe retaining a degree of femininity is a part of typical male variety.
ОтветитьУдалитьits too hard